Tuesday 11 November 2014

Salt is harmful

We Indians love salt. We discard several cuisines from the west as bland due to lack of salt and spices. Seldom do we realize the harm it is causing our body. Salt provides Chlorine and sodium which is substantial for good health, but it needs to be consumed in very little quantities. Excessive intake of salt directly affects ones blood pressure. Salt retains water in your body which not only makes u feel bloated but also puts pressure on your blood vessel thus increasing the pressure. With high blood pressure comes a series of problems. Deposition of salt affects the arteries leading to the heart thus making the heart cells malfunction due to lack of oxygen and other nutrients. This may lead to strokes. Salt also raises the amount of sodium in your blood and doesn’t allow the kidney to effectively draw the extra water out of blood through urine causing kidney stones and kidney diseases. Excessive salt intake causes the sodium stored in your bones to leak out through urine and thus leads to osteoporosis. Salt goes as far as causing dementia, affecting memory, thinking, language, judgment and behavior. Recent studies suggest that high intake of salt might lead to stomach cancer.

Reducing salt intake is not easy as it sounds since most packaged food items we consume contain heavy levels of salt. Unless we can convince the food manufacturing companies to stop doing that, we have to cut down our intake of packaged food items. And when we do buy them, it is important to check the Nutrition Facts of the product.

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