Monday 24 November 2014

Jammu and Kashmir Elections

One of the favourite pastime of Indians, apart from moralizing and chastising youngsters, is talking about politicians and elections. What now since the PM got elected? The J&K elections. Yes.

Long back when Partition took place, due to the resultant confusion, this state was given a special status(Act 370). It allowed them to have a set of their own laws with restrictions as well. This election, this Act is the focus, for the President has the power to repeal it only if the Assembly nods with an “Aye".

For those in favour of repealing the Act, have reasons, and valid ones too. This Act doesn't let outsiders buy or sell property in the State. And the worst part is, it makes this state a separate entity from the nation. Due to the ban on investments, most of the youth are unemployed and have taken up arms in their hands.

The NC wants the Act to stay, even though it is clearly stated that it's a temporary clause and will be repealed as soon as some clarity is gained. The NC believes that the Kashmiris will lose their identity if the repeal takes place. Although it's unclear how a strong identity will be achieved by the residents of they have separate laws, in spite of being part of the nation.

Omar Abdullah has his back to the wall, while the BJP is determined to bloom its lotus in the Dal Lake, a dream made possible by the recent flooding by the  "Modi Wave". Then there's the Mehbooba Mufti People's Democratic Party (PDP), which is expected to do really well. The Congress doesn't really have chances of a majority, although it's even assumed that no party might be able to secure a majority.Added to it is the tilt of Hurriyat.

Interestingly, the there are sharp differences in political inclination region-wise, but rumour has it, that it's gonna be one hell of a showdown. Jammu and Kashmir goes to a five phase poll on November 25, and December 2, 9, 14 and 20. It remains to be seen whether the promised showdown lives up to its hype.

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